Tackle the numbers before they tackle you. Remember, the Tassel is worth the Hassle

Remember, the Tassel is worth the Hassle

Accounting Principles

Accounting Principles

Enter here for Accounting Principles Classes

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Managerial Accounting

Managerial Accounting

Enter here for Cost and Managerial Accounting Classes

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Graduate Level Classes

Graduate Level Classes

Enter here for ACCN 7420 Governmental and Not-for-Profit Accounting and ACCN 6050 Accounting Measurement, Reporting, and Control

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Welcome to your class resource tool.

Click the link for your class type, launch your class link and bookmark it to find it again. There you will find all your resources such as the Syllabus, Schedule, Lectures, YouTube videos, Links to Homework sites, and class-specific items. 

The header of this page has links to various items you may need throughout the semester. 

Homework … (unless otherwise indicated in your syllabus) will have unlimited attempts.  You should always use your published class schedule to determine when all assignments are due.  

Want to practice problems again after homework closes?  No problem. Look at the end of your homework assignments, and you will see another series of pre-lecture and homework assignments with a “barbell” icon. These are practice attempts that do not close until the conclusion of the semester. Use these to study for tests and finals. Use the header link above to learn how to find practice/test prep folders. 

Whether you keep this site in your pocket or on your desk, you will find it a hub of activity. Poke around a bit … and enjoy.

Meanwhile, keep those simple calculators ready to impose order on an otherwise unruly and chaotic universe.